Claims Against Public Entities

Bergen County, Essex County, Middlesex County, Morris County, Passaic County, Union County Civil Rights Lawyers

The Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution requires states to provide for the equal protection of persons within their respective jurisdictions and to give due process any time state action could adversely affect life, liberty, or property. In addition, federal law 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 (Civil Action for the Deprivation of Rights) permits a plaintiff to receive a jury trial and to be awarded damages including their attorney fees where state action is responsible for a violation of federal constitutional or statutory rights. These laws that are controlling throughout every state in the United States as the “law of the land” provide specific protection for persons claiming race, gender, and many other forms of discrimination that occurs when a public entity does not treat an individually in the same manner and extent of all other citizens.

Public entities and employees include Townships, Cities, Boroughs, Counties and their boards including Boards of Adjustment and Planning Boards, Boards of Education, and the State of New Jersey, its agencies and employees. Sometimes public entities and their employees act inappropriately and cause citizens to sustain personal injury and economic damages. These citizens may need the help of a lawyer familiar with this area of the law to right a wrong.

Sheffet & Dvorin, PC has many years of experience representing individuals and businesses in Civil Rights Matters. The United States and New Jersey state Constitutions provide all residents with inalienable rights. Pursuant to Federal and New Jersey governmental entities and their employees are not immune from violating these rights. Police Officers and other public officials must enforce the laws of the state and nation equally, and without any discriminatory intent or application.

Additionally, the laws of the United States and State of New Jersey ensure that all citizens are treated equally including when they have a disability including a learning disability. These laws apply to both public entities and private entities in many cases. Private schools including universities and colleges that enroll students receiving federal aid are required to comply with the federal American with Disability Act the other laws of the land. Unfortunately, many people with disabilities such as physical handicaps or learning differences are not treated fairly or equally. They are not provided with even as basic a right as physical access to public buildings and private premises, and are deprived of the right to an education. Teachers think they have a right to decide what are appropriate accommodations and illegally substitute their own judgment, and do not follow plans providing accommodations which qualified health care professionals formulate even though the university or college approved them.  High School and College Students with high academic achievement and goals do not receive the accommodations that their health care professionals deem appropriate and necessary.

At Sheffet & Dvorin, PC we welcome the opportunity to file lawsuits against both public and private entities including colleges and universities who fail to provide accommodations to individuals with learning disabilities and to represent individuals and businesses in claims against public entities and their employees who do not follow the law and/or violate civil rights.

We have substantial expertise in litigating civil rights claims since Mr. Sheffet has almost three decades of experience defending public entities in Civil Rights actions and general negligence claims. Mr. Sheffet has also served as the Borough Attorney for a public entity, the Borough of Roseland, and as Prosecutor for the Township of Verona. Therefore, Mr. Sheffet understands the way governmental entities operate. At Sheffet & Dvorin, PC we fight hard to protect the rights and interests of our clients, and to make their lives, and everyone in society better. Our attorneys have successfully fought for the rights of citizens and businesses.

If you are the victim of a Civil Rights violation you should immediately contact our firm to determine your legal rights and remedies. Often, if not always, federal law provides that the party or parties guilty of violating your Civil Rights is or are responsible for paying your legal fees and case costs. This law exists to make sure that Civil Rights are not violated and when they are that the affected individual or party has immediate redress without the need for worrying about how expensive attorney fees and costs will be paid.

Have Your Rights Been Violated by a Local or State Agency, Policeman, School, College or University?

If your rights have been violated by a public entity or a government agency in New Jersey, or a College or University our attorneys can assist you in your pursuit of justice. Our extensive experience includes:

  • General liability and civil rights matters
  • False arrest, false imprisonment and police brutality cases
  • Unlawful search and seizure, and other law enforcement problems
  • Discriminatory practices in employment, commercial matters and other areas
  • Workers’ compensation claims on behalf of state, county or municipal employees who have been injured
  • Problems with building inspectors and obtaining permits
  • Problems with Planning Boards, Boards of Adjustment and zoning boards and obtaining site plan approval or variances
  • Licensing boards such as the Chiropractic Board, Medical Board, Pharmacy Board, Physical Therapy Board, Podiatry Board
  • Prerogative Writ actions in Superior Court

Contact a Bergen County, Essex County, Middlesex County, Morris County, Passaic County, Union County False Arrest Defense Attorney for a Free Consultation

Each public entity is different and we believe each potential claim should be reviewed carefully. The civil rights attorneys of Sheffet & Dvorin, PC will answer your questions and help you understand your options for filing a claim against a governmental agency or other public entity, or for defending yourself or your entity against a claim. Contact us to learn more.

Sheffet & Dvorin, PC