Drug Offenses

Contact Bergen County, Essex County, Middlesex County, Morris County, Passaic County, Union County Drug Offense Defense Attorney

Sheffet & Dvorin, PC has almost thirty years representing individuals in municipal court who have been charged with drug offenses. Mr. Sheffet is a former Prosecutor for the Township of Verona and has both prosecuted and defended many such cases. Whether you have been charged with marijuana possession or possession of other controlled dangerous substances such as steroids you need the help of an experienced attorney. This is even more important if you are guilty of the drug offense.

It is the experience of Sheffet & Dvorin, PC that the criminal justice system is usually fair and forgiving. Many drug related offenses are related to addiction. The focus of the court and prosecutors many times is on rehabilitation and not punishment. Often times it is possible to secure a plea agreement that results in the dismissal of the charges. Many prosecutors and judges are willing to allow the individual to obtain a conditional discharge that permits the individual to avoid having a criminal record so long as they meet the conditions of the program that usually include simply not being charged with another criminal charge within a year of the plea agreement. Almost always if you have a clean record, and simply used poor judgment on one occasion, this is an available means to secure a dismissal of the criminal charges without entering a guilty plea to a criminal charge.

However, many times individuals are charged with drug offenses without proper probable cause. They are also given Summons for drug crimes not committed. The State of New Jersey through the Prosecutor and police witnesses must establish probable cause for the arrest, and each and every element of the drug crime beyond a reasonable doubt. At Sheffet & Dvorin, PC we take the time to review the entire matter and if there has been an unlawful search or seizure, or no probable cause for the stop, search or arrest we will file a motion to dismiss the charges or to suppress the evidence. We will also not shy away from taking the matter to trial if that is what the client desires no matter how many court appearances are required.

Too often a guilty person assumes that there is no action that can be taken on their behalf. They simply appear in court and plead guilty. They avoid the cost of an attorney, but may end up paying higher fines and pleading to a higher crime than necessary. These individuals do not take advantage of the many possible resolutions that include pleading guilty to a lessor offense including a municipal ordinance that does not result in any criminal record. These individuals unfortunately are short sighted and do not have the perspective to realize the consequences of a guilty plea to a criminal offense that will negatively impact a person’s ability to obtain employment, enter the military and even vote.

Having an experienced criminal attorney allows a person charged with a criminal offense to explore all possibilities of resolving the matter from plea bargaining the charge to proceeding with a trial. We at Sheffet & Dvorin, PC have experienced trial attorneys who have almost thirty years handling criminal matters. Please allow us to help you, and call today for the free legal consultation that we offer in all criminal matters.

Contact Bergen County, Essex County, Morris County, Passaic County, Union County Drug Offense Defense Attorney for a Free Consultation

The criminal drug offense defense attorneys of Sheffet & Dvorin, PC will answer your questions and help you defend yourself against the charges or tickets you are facing. The firm offers a free consultation regarding all criminal and traffic matters. Contact us to learn more.

Sheffet & Dvorin, PC