
Contact Bergen County, Essex County, Middlesex County, Morris County, Passaic County, Union County Shoplifting Defense Attorney for a Free Consultation

Being accused of a shoplifting (NJSA 2C:20-11) can be a very unpleasant experience. A conviction can have an unwanted, devastating effect on your present and your future. This is true even if the item costs less than a dollar ($1.00).

In New Jersey, the lawmakers determined that shoplifting has a catastrophic impact on retail business costing them many tens of millions of dollars. Therefore, New Jersey state law is extremely harsh and carries very stiff penalties for repeat offenders. For example, shoplifting less than $200.00 is considered a disorderly person offense, while more than that is an indictable offense. Pleading guilty to the disorderly persons offense still results in a criminal record.

If you are facing shoplifting charges Sheffet & Dvorin, PC can advise you regarding your defense options. If we represent you, we will work hard to help you reach the best possible outcome. Depending on your situation, this may mean working aggressively to have the charges dropped or minimized, or it may mean negotiating a more favorable consequence if a conviction is inevitable. Rest assured, if there is a possibility of securing a favorable outcome at trial we will proceed to trial.

Sheffet & Dvorin, PC has almost thirty years representing individuals in criminal matters. Mr. Sheffet is the former Prosecutor of the Township of Verona and has prosecuted hundreds of criminal matters in municipal court including shoplifting cases.

At Sheffet & Dvorin, PC we do not “judge” our clients. We understand that good people often fall on hard times and into difficult circumstances. We strive to secure our clients second chances. We seek plea agreements that do not force our clients to lose their jobs and fall into further financial disarray. Rest assured, however, if you have been unlawfully charged we will make every effort to secure a dismissal including proceeding with a trial.

Contact Bergen County, Essex County, Morris County, Passaic County, Union County Shoplifting Defense Attorney for a Free Consultation

The shoplifting defense attorneys of Sheffet & Dvorin, PC will answer your questions and help you defend yourself against the charges or tickets you are facing. The firm offers a free consultation regarding all criminal and traffic matters. Contact us to learn more.

Sheffet & Dvorin, PC